OK, so it costs 7 pounds to watch a movie here. No, it's a movie house, not the La Scala...
The Gate Cinema:
Tickets £7-9
87 Notting Hill Gate
tel. 020/7727-4043
reservations tel. 08707/550-063
Tube: Notting Hill Gate.
Guess the artist. Obviously loved hair.

London Transport

Brunel is alive and well and making drain covers.

Your Blogger's Horo: Don't consider yourself a failure just because you might be stuck between the proverbial rock and a hard place. You may not be able to move freely enough to create the changes you desire. You are positioned better than you realize, but in order to make the most of it, you must open your mind wider than ever before.
Then, hang on tight, for something big is about to happen.

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